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Pallets bought and sold Cash Paid
Tel 01482 781910
Prentice & Jackson Ltd
Prentice & Jackson Ltd specialise in new, used and reconditioned pallets. We have over 40 years experienc and we can supply anyone - from large international businesses to small family businesses. With this extensive experience we can offer advice on the service's you require and the best price's.

We now have a reclaimed wood site opperating at www.bpal.co.uk
We have a graet selection of reclaimed pallets wood and also sell collars.
Current News

HGV Driver Shortage has had a major knock on effect on the pallet industry. Creating a shortage of pallets available in the united kingdom.
©2021 - Prentice & Jackson Ltd
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We supply new used and remaunfactured pallets delivering to all of yorkshire and lincilnshire.

We also buy pallets and clear scrap pallets please
call for a quote tel 01482 781910
Email; info@pjpallets.co.uk

We pay cash at the gate for pallets or on collection we are also happy to pay by bank transfer.